Saturday, March 3, 2012

An Advantageous Pregnancy

An Advantageous Pregnancy

As I was cruising through the usual blogs and social media I tend to peruse on a daily basis, I came across an entry stating that one Bristol Palin of Alaska has a new reality show. That got me thinking about the vagaries of life.

Here is a twenty-one year old woman, who was thrust into the international spotlight as the very pregnant, unmarried, seventeen year old daughter of Republican VP candidate, Sarah Palin. Knowing how her mother’s party is so against teenage pregnancies, it was surprising how all was accepted and forgiven. One couldn’t help thinking if circumstances had been reversed and she had been the daughter of the Democratic candidate, it would have been less than a forgiving acceptance.

When the campaign was over, just like the children of failed candidates, she was expected to return to her previous life. That was not to be as this young woman has been given such high-profile and well-paying opportunities such as being on the show,  Dancing with the Stars to demonstrate her dancing  skills  (or lack thereof), covers of tabloid  magazines, spokesperson for teenage abstinence and now, her own reality show.

There are many teenage mothers who have succeeded against great odds but spare a thought for the teenage mothers who are struggling to finish high school or college, probably holding down a job or two.  Maybe they had to drop out of school and are struggling to make the best of their situation while dealing with society’s disapproval. Their lives are forever changed because they became pregnant. Who is calling them up to have them give speeches on the joys of abstinence because clearly having sex makes one an expert on abstinence, but I digress.

It's obvious that in some quarters, becoming a teenage mother does not so much disrupt life and force a change in direction for the young woman, it is a stepping stone to fame and riches.

A cautionary note to any young girl thinking she may be as fortunate as the young woman in question; think, really think of the life being led by a teenage mother and see if it resembles the lifestyle of this young woman. Then face reality and realize this will only work out for you if your mother was the failed Republican VP candidate from Alaska. I kid you not!

Will keep you posted.