Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring, Where Are You?

Purple Tulips
Spring officially arrived last week according to the calendar. By all other markers, it's no where in sight; well, not 100% true. I can hear birds singing and the few days of sunshine we've had, I could feel the promise of spring in the air. However, I am still wearing winter gear and won't think of taking a chance on heading out in dress shoes because in the space of a few hours, I would be slipping and sliding across icy patches or getting cold slush on my feet.

It has been quite a winter with ice storms which severely damaged trees, lots of snow (I know there is a lawn somewhere under the mounds of ice and snow) and cold temperatures which helped to curtail my early morning walks. I could have braved the temperatures as I am used to walking throughout winter but dared not take a chance on the icy walkways this time around. Bad enough trying to navigate such conditions on two feet so why tempt fate and have to do it with a cast and crutches.

I don't believe a change of seasons was looked forward to so eagerly as this spring; even my cats are ready; they have been braving the cold porch in anticipation. Winter has overstayed its welcome like a bad guest and I am ready to, once again, feel the warm spring sun on my face, see the promising green shoots in the garden, watch the birds at the birdbath, start working the earth again and imagining what my garden will be like this year.

I'll be patient a little while longer as the wait for spring weather will not be as long as the winter we just left. Then again, what choice do I have?

Will keep you posted.