Thursday, February 10, 2011


Freshly fallen snow crunching under foot. Fat snowflakes floating gently down, clinging to toques and eyelashes.  Trees and shrubs arrayed in white finery. Kids frolicking in the snow. White as far as you can see. These are the postcard images of a perfect winter; the one we all love before the plows and salt trucks rumble by.

Not all snowfalls are of a romantic nature, lending themselves to long walks. Some are downright nasty with icy pellets whipping against the skin and some are heavy, wet and backache-inducing when shoveling it out of our way.

For many, snow only on Christmas day would be perfect. After that, the remaining winter months without their white cloak would be even better. Thankfully, winter has its cheerleaders. They embrace winter activities with a passion. They take to the ski hills and where ever a smooth, icy surface can be found and others just accept it quietly, looking forward to the warming days that signal spring is coming.

Although winter is not my favourite season, fall is, I still get out and enjoy it. I walk every morning except when it is extremely cold or icy and I especially like walking during the picture postcard snowfalls. That’s when winter’s at its best and I usually take my camera to capture the beauty around me. Hope you enjoy the photos.

“Winter is the season in which people try to keep the house as warm as it was in the summer, when they complained about the heat.”  ~Author Unknown

Will keep you posted.

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