Monday, October 3, 2011

Their Sexual Orientation is None of Your Business

I will never understand people`s obsession with the sexual orientation of others. Why the concern about whose plumbing goes where?

What impels someone to make a concerted effort to preach, protest, denigrate or even assault another person because that person is attracted to their own sex? It’s madness. Imagine rising each day with hatred in your heart and a compulsion to tell gays they are going straight to hell for their “lifestyle”. Did you choose your sexual orientation? Well, neither did they.

It is disturbing to hear Blacks speak offensively about gays and rail  against gay marriage. Remember when you were fighting for your civil rights? Was not too long ago and now you think it is right to deny others their rights. Enlighten me as to why a significant number of this world`s population should not have all the rights and benefits accorded to others. It seems in most parts of the world, gays are under constant threat of beatings and even death. In 2009, an article in Time asked if Jamaica is: The Most Homophobic Place on Earth?  Law makers in Uganda tried to enact an anti-gay law that could see the death penalty for some actsThankfully, it failed.

Not An Option
You may wish to cite the Bible as proof being gay is wrong. If you go this route, I suggest you read all the laws appearing with the one you like to quote and ask yourself if one of God`s laws is to be obeyed, why not obey them all? I am sure you would not want to be labelled a hypocrite who practises buffet Christianity.

How will allowing gay people to marry destroy traditional marriage? You know, the whiz-bang job being done by straight people with no divorce, no separation, no re-marriage; just a shining example for gays to follow. I have never figured this one out.

To those in the pulpit, you embarrass yourselves by preaching hate instead of love, compassion and understanding.  Shaming gay congregants to go against their true self never ends well. Gay adults deserve to be free and not on the down low while in marriages to keep the façade that they are straight. Let people be who they are. To parents who ridicule, abuse and wash their hands of their children, what do you think will happen to your gay teens when they hit the streets? These children belong in the safety of their families. Loving them would be so much easier for all.

I have gay relatives and friends and we interact in the same way as my straight relatives and friends. We are here on this earth for such a short time, it should be better spent understanding and caring about each other than in creating pain. Live and let live is a nice attitude to cultivate.

Christians, try to be more like the compassionate Jesus of the gospels and less like the vengeful God of the Old Testament. Remember what Mahatma Gandhi said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.“                                                                            

Will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU for this beautiful, eloquent, honest, and powerful statement! Our only hope is that the dinosaurs who are filled with homophobia and hate, will soon be dead and just as extinct!

    Much love - Paul
