Friday, February 3, 2012

Linda, on What Cancer is and is Not

I came across this video and was struck by the brutal honesty and forthrightness portrayed by Linda.

It takes guts and self-awareness, not possessed by many, to say what Linda says.  She not only speaks about cancer, she explains and shows the results of the various medical treatments required to halt the progress of the illness and the resulting changes to her body.

Explaining what cancer is and does is not all Linda offers; she rails against the politicization of this disease and her severing of her support for the Susan G. Komen charity that recently cut funding to Planned Parenthood. N.B. After an enormous backlash, Susan G. Komen has reversed their decision.

As Linda said, “Cancer makes you frank…it makes you no longer scared.” She comes across as one fearless and fierce lady. Kudos to her.

Will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. I agree...she does come across as fearless and fierce. Thanks for sharing.

    Can't wait for your next post!
