Monday, May 7, 2012

What’s a Poor Grammarian to Do?

We’ve seen it or have been guilty of it; using “your” when clearly it should be“you’re”, making it obvious some of us have a problem with contractions and the difference between “your” and “you’re".

Just check out the comments on blog posts, Twitter, Facebook and other social media to see "your' running rampant with nary a "you're" in sight.

Once upon a time one could count on some smarty-pants acting as grammar police on a thread, calling out writers who assaulted the language, but not so much anymore. I think they’ve decided their sanity is worth more than correct grammar. Or maybe it was the abuse hurled at them for pointing out grammar shortcomings.

“Looser” instead of “loser” is showing up more these days but that’s another post. Language evolves but please, not like this.

Anyway, here, thanks to @hilzFuld, is a perfect and hilarious example of "your" and "you're". If you don't get it, don't worry; no one will call you a "looser" or is it "loser"?

Language evolves but please, not like this.

Will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Your won smart women. You right very good in this article. Eye laughed sew hard at that.

    Good won! I plan too share this with other's.
