Sunday, January 12, 2014

Why Bother Stocking Up

Why do I bother stocking up on extra items? Okay, this works for some things I use on a regular basis such as paper products, soap, toothpaste and laundry products but for some items, I can guarantee I will forgot I have extra on hand.

When I go through my kitchen cupboards, I come across items, way at the back, that I had forgotten about and have been buying on a regular basis. This is wasteful and shameful as I am spending money on what I already have and sometimes end up throwing out goods that have passed their expiry date.

The icing on the cake though was finding a container of de-icer crystals in my garage, today, hiding in plain sight, long after after I had used what I thought was the last, during the recent ice storm. As luck would have it, none could be found in stores and I kept telling myself I should have bought extra before winter started.

To think I  have been walking gingerly along my ice-coated walkway and driveway and all this time, there was de-icer in the garage. In 2014, I vow to be better at keeping track of what I already have; it's the sensible thing to do.

Will keep you posted.

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