Monday, November 11, 2013

Role Reversal

My daughters have been giving me advice. After years of guiding and encouraging them, I now find myself in the position of receiving guidance, encouraging words and at times, the proverbial slap upside my head.

I have been doing some serious introspection to fully understand why I am the way I am and how to be less of a worrier. Self-reflection is the easy part; actually making necessary changes that result from this exercise is the head cracker. Why? After years of worrying whether I was doing the right thing and making the correct decisions, while single handedly making a decent life for my daughters, it's difficult to change that part of me. I still worry about the girls but now I worry about making decisions that are right for me.

My three daughters and I have always been a tight-knit group and I always had an open outlook and they could discuss anything with me and not be judged or have that information used as a cudgel later on. Of course it has not always been an easy road and we never agreed on everything but we valued each other's input and tried to walk the talk as they say. One thing I always treasured was hearing my daughters tell me they knew their secret was safe with me and that I would never mention a thing to a sister unless they gave the green light.

Now the roles have been reversed and I am listening to my daughters speak some hard truths to me and of course, they come from a place of love. Not only, are they telling me what I should be doing to relieve stress and make some wrongs right, they are actually backing up their opinion with detailed information from observing me all these years. They have actually pointed out where I tend to sabotage situations so I can save myself potential agony (more than likely of my own doing) down the road.

I appreciate their input and who better to get advice from than the people who know you best plus I don't have to lie on a couch, these therapy sessions can be spontaneous and best of all, the price is right; well maybe a nice home cooked meal here and there.

Will keep you posted.

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