Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Rules To Live By

Yesterday, I wrote about my daughters giving me advice and how our roles had reversed. That got me thinking about the rules they laid down for me, after they had all left the nest, to ensure my safety and that I won't be found dead in my bed or the bottom of the stairs. Here are a few of the rules:
  • If going out in the evening, I have to let them know. Once I forgot to do this and my cell was off. Guess what? I came home to a note on my pillow informing me middle daughter had called youngest daughter (who was still in my neck of the woods) and instructed her to go to the house and see if all was well with me.
  • When going down the stairs, I must hold on to the handrail at all times. I must stop running up and down the stairs as I am wont to do (some days it's the only exercise I get::). I must also look out for cats on the top step as this is where they like to hangout and once, middle daughter fell down the stairs after tripping over a cat. Please note I was not the one falling over a cat.
  • As I work at my computer a lot, I get random texts from middle daughter telling me to put my shoulders down from around my ears and reminders to do the neck and shoulder exercises as previously instructed.
  • Stay in contact with one of them each day. Thankfully I'm one of those older people happy to use technology and social media. These days, I text more than I talk and they can always check to see if I posted on Twitter or Facebook or responded to a one on one message or in our group texts.
Not only have certain rules been implemented on my behalf but just a few months ago, I went on a trip I had previously said I was opting out of because first born daughter could no longer go due to a scheduling conflict. She informed the travel agent to switch the ticket to my name and THEN I was informed.
So far, the rules make sense and the trip was heavenly and if this is how they will look out for me in my later years also known as the second childhood, then I'm in great hands.

Will keep you posted.

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