Sunday, December 22, 2013

Why The Hate for Gay People (Ugandan Law)

It's almost 2014 and here we are looking in on Uganda, where it appears there are no pressing problems so their MPs can spend time passing an anti-gay law to imprison homosexuals.

It boggles the mind that in this day and age, when knowledge is at our fingertips and we can educate ourselves, we have so many people, especially in power, who think it is their bounden duty to antagonize, disrupt and destroy the lives of people who have done nothing wrong but be true to themselves. Why don't they do some research and realize that gay people have been on this earth from the beginning of time and that homosexuality is found throughout nature.

Why can't they realize that gay people are not choosing to be gay just like straight people are not choosing to be straight. I really don't remember any triggers when I was going through puberty that pointed me to being a heterosexual.  I also can't imagine getting up every day wondering about the sex lives and genitals of those close to me furthermore of complete strangers. Why would it matter to me? And why this obsession with punishing them for something they can't help? Why not leave gay people alone and just let your god sort it all out in the end since you believe there will be a reckoning? By the way, these christians believe we are all created by their god so did their god make a mistake with gay people?

These poor excuses for human beings in Uganda and elsewhere should be mindful we are for a short time on this earth and we should just let people live their lives without the intrusion of ignorant people making horrendous laws. As for the so-called Christ followers, especially those from North America exporting their venomous beliefs, who get in their pulpits and pews and thunder that homosexuality is wrong; who died and left you in charge of sexuality? If you answer, Christ did, please remember he never once pronounced on homosexuality or any kind of sex for that matter and if you choose to mention Leviticus, then you must follow those laws in their entirety or you are tagged as the worst kind of hypocrite and your god may find you wanting.

Just leave people alone to live their lives just as you would like to live yours without interference from viper-like people who claim to speak for their god. Get a damn life! This world would be better off all around.

Will keep you posted.

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