Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My Father Charles

Hello January 1, the start of a brand new year, a day for some to spend on the couch recuperating from the previous night's festivities but many years ago, it was a day to celebrate my father's birthday.

My Father Charles
Back then, the celebration consisted of neighbours and his friends and drinking buddies dropping by to eat (we cooked the other half of the Christmas ham and there was still lots of black cake and sweet bread and other baked goods plus what was cooked that day) and to consume quite a bit of Mount Gay Rum. There would be loud conversations, games of whist and general merriment.

Those days of such celebrations are long gone. My father Charles and my mother have long departed these shores and although I am reminded of them in some way each day, I especially remember him on January first and can vividly see the celebrations so long ago. It is a bittersweet feeling and is one more reminder of how quickly one year rolls into the next.

Charles (I can call him that now but it was Daddy back in the day), wherever you are be it on a gentle breeze, in a scent that reminds me of you or a piece of music that transports me back to my childhood where I see myself running races with you along the cart road or helping you mix concrete or do repairs to the pens (I don't think I ever thanked you for teaching me how to be handy with tools) or milking a cow or plaiting your hair (better than any doll); wherever you are, I thank you for the experiences and guidance that helped me be the person I am today.

For a man who did not need a suit except for social occasions where one black suit would suffice, you sure had quite the variety of made to measure, great dress shoes and a collection of ties and tie pins to die for. Oh how I wish I had your ties and tie pins. When you cut a rug, people watched, you were so good. You were not perfect; you had some moments that definitely did not put you in the best light but overall, you were a good father.

Happy Birthday! You are remembered with love.

Will keep you posted.

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